Tis the Season to Go Within – Hanukkah and the Messiah

I began my study into Hanukkah, or the Feast of Dedication, the beginning of this month, and for several years prior to that. It is truly an amazing story. I pondered why the scholars and leaders of the time, meticulously removed this story and the apocrypha from the Bible. The history is so deep and… Continue reading Tis the Season to Go Within – Hanukkah and the Messiah

A Moment of Relief: 2024 First Quarter Insights and Reflection

I want to take the time to stop and smell the roses… that Outcast lyrically reminded us smells like “boo-boo” once you lean in a little bit closer. . . That’s where I am psychologically, and as I reflect on this past first quarter - mid April, sheesh. I can say it has been one… Continue reading A Moment of Relief: 2024 First Quarter Insights and Reflection

The Triumph of Adeptship. 

iNotate It

`”To Know, To Do, To Dare, To Be Silent”

I have been silent the entire month of July, all throughout cancer szn and on one of the most important days of all; my soular return. Introspection and creative expression have been the focus of my analysis of self and my sphere of influence for the past few months. I transitioned from the age of 33 feeling as if I shed off false identities or versions of who I wanted to be, maybe of who I thought I was, ideas of what people perceived me to be, and what I deeply and innately aspire to be. Truthfully, the ascension from 30 to 33 has been like climbing a high mountain or traveling a long distance away from a comfort zone; a familiarity. I have gone through many series of self-reflection, self-evaluation, and self-examination by the process of viewing behaviors, situations, decisions…

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